What will be essential for Leadership in 2021?

Connection, Curiosity and Vulnerability

This past year has made it glaringly obvious that connection, curiosity and vulnerability are essential leadership tools and that now more than ever, we are being called to lean in…to connection, hard conversations, accountability with empathy.

Connection: 2021 will bring more uncertainty, complexity and discomfort.  How can we create more connection in the absence of face to face interaction?

Our ability to hold space for our people, to create community and navigate through change while we lean into connection will be essential. We know that empathy fuels connection, it’s feeling with people, and making space for fears and feelings. Avoiding empathetic misses will be crucial to your success.

Curiosity: We simply cannot transfer the way we worked before to this virtual environment. We will have to rely on new technology and get creative with the way we run our meetings and how we connect on and off screen. Some places to get curious: what kind of work needs to be done together?  When and why will we come together for meetings, and who needs to be in the meeting; what is the agenda for those meetings, and what, if any, decisions are we making? Do all meetings need to be on video? When we can safely go to the office, what meetings would be better in person?

Vulnerability: Leading others through so much uncertainty and change, while also coming to grips with our own fears and feelings requires true courage. Our willingness to show up authentically and lead from integrity and heart when we cannot control the outcome or predict the future is the very definition of vulnerability.  How can we lean into this vulnerability and answer our call to courage with grounded confidence and self-compassion?

If you would like to explore these areas and the tools and strategies to equip you for brave and courageous leadership in 2021, join us for an 8-week leadership intensive.  Learn More